Introductory Documents

Please complete everything below. I realize that some of these might seem redundant with the United information and services but, especially since I am new to United’s system, I would rather have too much information than too little.

  1. Players and parents / guardians, read the Player and Parent Information sheet.
  2. Players and parents / guardians, read the Principles of Play sheet.
  3. Players (and optionally parents / guardians), read the Position Descriptions.
  4. Parents / guardians (and optionally players), sign up for Remind here.
    1. Remind is a communication tool that lets me message you all as a group or individually via your cell phones.
    2. Parents should definitely sign up for it; this will be a quick way to get out immediate information (cancellations, changes, etc.).
    3. Players can sign up for it if parents approve and think it helpful.
  5. Players and parents / guardians, complete the team info sheet here.

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